Guideline 132 - Digital Signs

Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery

Guideline 132 - Digital Signs

Written CAS 8/11/2021; Approved 9/14/2021

Digital signage in the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery is intended to support library services, events, and spaces. 

Digital signage displays locations include:

  • RLC (2 signs)

  • Atrium

  • Circulation

  • Circulation (small)

  • Digital Media Lab

For any new digital signs, LITS and DoIT will coordinate on acquiring the necessary hardware and licenses and on mounting the signs in any new locations. Digital signage locations should be guided by ADA specifications (see also 2010 ADA Standards). When possible, signage should not protrude more than 4 inches from the wall. Any wall-mounted signs which protrude more than 4 inches should be mounted such that the lower edge is 27” or less from the floor.

Digital Sign Content

LITS will be responsible for posting content to the majority of the digital signs in the building. The Media Specialist will be responsible for the content posted to the digital sign outside of the Digital Media Lab. 

Internal Sign Submissions

Library & Gallery employees should submit requests for Digital Sign content through the Library-Web queue in RT (email Library-Web@rt.umbc.edu). Requests should be as specific as possible and include the exact wording desired for the signs and any graphics or logos should be included with the request. All signs should adhere to the Style Guideline for Library Digital Signs and be relevant to our community with an emphasis on library content. If assistance in developing graphics is required, please submit the request as early as possible and no less than fourteen business days prior to the date the sign should post. 

Please specify the display(s) where the sign content is intended to be shown. 


Signs will be reviewed for relevance to library users and adherence to the UMBC Style and Brand Guide and the Style Guideline for Library Digital Signs. If there are any issues or questions, someone from LITS will contact the requester for clarification or to request changes.


LITS (or the Media Specialist for the DML sign) will post the signs and make any adjustments as necessary to ensure that the content appears as intended on displays. Requests should be submitted at least seven business days prior to the date the signs should be posted. Requests for assistance with graphics should be submitted at least fourteen business days prior to the date it should post.

External Sign Submissions

Library & Gallery content will take precedence. Requests from external groups will be reviewed for interest to UMBC students, faculty, and staff. Signs from outside groups must be submitted in completed form as an image file (gif, png, jpg) in the correct aspect ratio (16:9) and scalable to the size of the primary display (1920x1080). Videos without audio can be submitted as WEBM, MP4, or MOV files and should be no longer than 30 seconds in duration. Requests must specify which display(s) they would like to be posted on. All designs should adhere to the Style Guideline for Library Digital Signs.


Signs will be reviewed for relevance to library users and completeness of request. If there are any issues or questions, someone from LITS will contact the requester for clarification or to request changes.


All outside submissions of signs should be sent to Library-Web@rt.umbc.edu at least seven business days prior to the date the sign needs to be posted.  If approved, LITS (or the Media Specialist for the DML sign) will post the signs on the specified displays.

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Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian