Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery - Staff Wiki
McNaughton Leisure Reading Collection
As was mentioned in Library Assembly, the Library will now be offering a collection of leisure reading books that will be kept in the Library's Rotunda.
The McNaughton Leisure Reading Collection is aimed at offering the UMBC community varied, timely, popular fiction and non-fiction in an easy-to-browse location. The titles cover a wide range of genres: literary fiction, science fiction & fantasy, mystery, romance, western, biography, and non-fiction.
The collection currently has about 180 books, but will grow to 400, with monthly exchanges of 20 older books for 20 new books.
Books in this collection will be easily identifiable both in catalogusmai and in hardcopy. Catalog records will list the location as "Leisure Reading," and the call number will be made in house and look something like this: FIC BAL wh (abbreviations for fiction or non fiction, author name, book title). To view titles in the collection, you can search the UMBC catalog for the location "Leisure Reading."
Please be aware that this collection has unique circulation policies:
Books from the McNaughton Collection will circulate to current UMBC students, staff, and faculty only.
There will be no holds or recalls for books in the collection.
The books will circulate to all patron types for 28 days with one possible renewal.
Patrons may have up to five books from the McNaughton Collection checked out at one time.
Regular book fines apply for overdue items in the collection.
These policies will be clearly posted near the collection, and have been added to the Library Guidelines and the the web site's Circulation pages.
Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
(410) 455-2232. Questions and comments to: Web Services Librarian