How can I reduce my Google storage?

How can I reduce my Google storage?

How can I reduce my Google storage?

  • Review your Data:
    Review and delete any large or unnecessary files in Google Drive and clean up emails with attachments. Take some time to organize your Gmail, Google Drive, and export your Google Photos.
    Recommended article: How do I clean up my trash, spam, and large documents in Google Drive?

  • Transfer Non-UMBC Data to a Personal Account:
    Google Takeout can be used to export your data from your UMBC account and download your data in a compressed format. Consider setting up a personal cloud storage space using services like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or any other preferred platform. Ensure you have enough storage space for your data. Please remember to delete your data from your UMBC account once you have migrated the data.

I deleted emails, files, or photos but my storage use has not decreased. Am I doing something wrong?

When you first delete an email, file, or photo it will be moved to the trash. Gmail, Drive, and Photos all have their own trash, which still counts against your storage use. Storage in use by items in trash will be reclaimed once the items are permanently deleted. Items in trash are automatically and permanently deleted after 30 days. While in your trash, items can be recovered before the 30-day time window. You can also choose to manually and permanently delete items in your trash at any time by navigating to the “trash” folder and clicking either “Empty Trash” to remove all items in trash or by selecting individual items and selecting “Delete Forever”.

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