Greater Washington Partnership/Capital CoLAB

Greater Washington Partnership/Capital CoLAB

What is and how do I join the Greater Washington Partnership/Capital CoLAB community?

From Baltimore to Richmond, the CoLAB supports a diverse community of learners dedicated to building careers in the Capital Region’s tech ecosystem.

Visit https://capitalcolab.com/community/ to join the CoLAB community, stay in touch with the Capital CoLAB, and learn how their programs, built in partnership with universities like UMBC, can help you develop in-demand digital skills.



GWP Digital Generalist Credential at UMBC | Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Digital Tech Generalist Credential?

The Generalist credential is to prepare students in the knowledge, skills, and abilities for job roles that require an understanding of data analysis and visualization as well as data security.

For more information, visit our very own Greater Washington Partnership (GWP) website by going to https://gwp.umbc.edu/.

I'm not a tech major. Can I still participate/enroll in the Digital Tech Generalist Credential competencies/modules?

Yes! We encourage all learners from all majors/disciplines to enroll. There are no prerequisites for enrolling. 

How do I earn a badge for a course I completed at UMBC (with credit) that is similar to or covers one of the Generalist modules?

If you have taken a UMBC course that is listed as an equivalent for one of the Generalist modules, you do not have to enroll in/complete that module to receive a digital badge/acknowledgement of completion. For a current list of course equivalencies, please view the UMBC Pathways section under the UMBC GWP Enrollment website. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available on Generalist course equivalencies at UMBC. Badges for the equivalencies may follow a different Credly© issuing schedule based on availability.

Do I receive any credit for completing part or all of the Digital Tech Generalist Credential competencies/modules?

Yes! Each competency rewards a separate digital badge. When you successfully complete all six (6) Generalist Badges, you will receive the Digital Tech Credential: Generalist digital badge. Digital badges are issued by Credly© and can be used to recognize achievements and can be shared on social media (see the Digital Tech Credential: Generalist tip on the right of this page for more information on each badge and competency/module).

How often are the Digital Tech Generalist competencies/modules offered?

Enrollment periods for the modules follow the UMBC terms (Fall, Spring, Summer). You can enroll at any time. Modules will be available throughout the concurrent UMBC semester schedule. Once the semester ends, the competencies/modules will automatically be archived and will no longer be accessible.

Do I have to complete all six (6) competencies/modules in one semester?

No. You can enroll in one (or all!) in a given semester, but you do not need to complete all of them in one semester in order to receive the digital badge. You can re-enroll in/complete the remaining competencies/modules the following semester.

Are the competencies/modules self-paced?

Yes. There will not be an instructor/facilitator in the modules at any given time. If you have questions or concerns about progress, course content, etc., please view the edX Edge: Where and how to get help FAQ.

How long should I expect to spend on the Digital Tech Generalist competencies/modules?

Each competency/module will take anywhere between 2-5 hours to complete. Completion time may vary based on individual learner.

Where are the competencies/modules hosted?

The Digital Tech Credential: Generalist modules are hosted on the learning management system edX Edge. You will need to create an edX Edge account to get started and enroll in one or all of the competencies/modules.

Do I need to receive a certain grade/score in order to qualify for one or more badges?

Yes. You must receive a minimum of 80% in a competency/module (or, a C or better in a UMBC equivalent course) in order to receive a badge. Each module contains a syllabus with the grade breakdown (ex. quizzes and the final exam).

What happens if I do not successfully complete one or more of the competencies/modules?

That's okay! You will have the opportunity to re-enroll the following semester. You can check your progress within edX Edge.

When will I receive my Credly© badges?

Badges for the Digital Tech Credential: Generalist are issued three (3) times per year, approximately 2-4 weeks after the previous semester ends. For example, if you successfully complete two competencies/modules in the Fall semester, you will be issued the corresponding badges sometime in late December/early January.





Get Started with the GWP Digital Generalist Competency Courses

  1. Create your edX Edge account

  2. Enroll in each Generalist competency/module (requires UMBC Credentials to view)


Digital Tech Credential: Generalist

Click each link to view more information on the competency and requirements for earning the badge.

  1. The Role of Data and Analytics

  2. Probability and Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

  3. Data Manipulation

  4. Data Visualization and Communication

  5. Data Ethics

  6. Data Security


Need edX Edge Help?

Where and how to get help


Connect at UMBC

Please join the Greater Washington Partnership (GWP) myUMBC group for more information and to stay connected with the latest UMBC GWP happenings and events.




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