How do I access the Engineering Lab remotely?

How do I access the Engineering Lab remotely?

The Remote Lab page is designed to assist you in accessing a UMBC Engineering Lab computer. 

How to Use:

For Windows Users:

  1. Click the link below to download and set up the Global Protect VPN

    1. Getting Connected with the UMBC GlobalProtect VPN

  2. Access the website: https://remotelab.umbc.edu/

  3. Click the generated link below RDP Link 

    1. Open the downloaded Computer.rdp file and click connect

    2. Unknown Attachment

  4. Sign in with your UMBC Username (ad\username) and Password

    1. Unknown Attachment

  5. Then click OK and you will be remotely connected to an Engineering Lab Computer

  6. If you are unable to connect with your current RDP link Refresh the page to get a new RDP Link and Open It.

For Mac Users: 

  1. Go to the Apple App Store

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  2. Search Microsoft Remote Desktop and Download it 

  3. Click the link below to download and set up the Global Protect VPN

    1. Getting Connected with the UMBC GlobalProtect VPN

  4. Access the website: https://remotelab.umbc.edu/

  5. Click the generated link below RDP Link

  6. Download the RDP file and Open it

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    2. If the file does not automatically open with Microsoft Remote Desktop, right-click on the file and select Open With and then select Other

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    3. Select Microsoft Remote Desktop and click Open

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  7. Sign in with your UMBC Username (ad\username) and Password

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  8. Click Continue and you will be remotely connected to a UMBC Engineering Lab Computer

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  9. If you are unable to connect with your current RDP link Refresh the page to get a new RDP Link and Open It.