Using Submit (for students)
Submit invocations
Submit is very simple to use. There are four commands that are part of the system.
submit - is used to copy a file, or set of files, into the submission directory for a specified class/assignment.
submitls - is used to list submitted files that have already been submitted.
submitproj - is used to list the projects that are defined for a class
submitrm - can be used to remove files that have already been submitted.
In order to use submit, you must know the class name that is assigned to your class. This information should be provided by your instructor. The instructor should also provide the assignment/project names that are to be used for each assignment. However, it is possible to list all assignments for a given class by knowning it's class name. Submit should function appropriatly on any UCE machine that uses AFS home directories. In these examples, we'll assume that our class name is cs999.
is the simplest command to use – it only takes one argument, the name of the class you're requesting information for.
jabba[4]% submitproj cs999
The following projects are defined for banz's cs999 class:
proj1 Easy Project
proj2 Medium Project
bigone Hard Project
requires both a class name, a project name, and a list of files to submit. In this example, we are submitting two files (write_keyfile.c and tc.defs.c), for 'proj2'.
jabba[5]% submit cs999 proj2 write_keyfile.c tc.defs.c
Submitting write_keyfile.c...OK
Submitting tc.defs.c...OK
If you have previously submitted a file as part of a project, and you are re-submitting that file again, the system will prompt you if you are sure you would like to overwrite the submitted file.
jabba[6]% submit cs999 proj2 write_keyfile.c
It seems you have already submitted a file named write_keyfile.c.
Do you wish to overwrite? (y/n):
Submitting write_keyfile.c...OK
takes a class and project name, and lists the files that have been submitted for a project.
is for deleting files from a submission directory. It takes the class, project, and the files you wish to delete as arguments. In this example, we wish to remove the tc.defs.c file from our project submittal. Once it's deleted, it's gone – so please be careful!