How do I send a Message via email?

How do I send a Message via email?


Tell Me

  1. Click on the Messages icon in the upper right toolbar of your course.

  2. Click the Add Message icon by clicking the (+) in the upper right corner to create a new Message.

  3. In Recipients field, select All course members to send the Message to the entire course.

  4. Use the first line of your Message to replicate the subject line of your Announcement.

  5. Copy/paste the body of your announcement into the body of your Message.

  6. Check the box to Send an email copy to recipients.

  7. Click SEND.

What students will see

Students will receive an email from you that says "Instructor's Name sent you a new message in Your Course Name"

If the student has notifications set to receive announcements via email, it will look like this:

Notifications are personalized to the user so there is no guarantee that a student will receive an announcement via email.