How do I create and review assignments within the Class Notebook?
Whether your course will be employing the Class Notebook for journaling, practice problems, art creation, or anything else the tool may provide, instructors may find searching through individual student notebooks daunting.
When creating an assignment that students will be "turning in," ensure that you have distributed a new page that may include: Assignment Title as the page name, instructions for the assignment, due date information, etc.
Once you have distributed your assignment page, you can review all of your student assignments at one time.
1. Click on the Class Notebook ribbon in the toolbar.
2. Click Review Student Work.
3. Choose the Section then the Distributed Page of the assignment.
(Optional): Before reviewing the work, you can lock these pages from your students to prevent further edits. If desired, check the Lock radio button and choose how to sort the students enrolled in the course.