What is the Self-Support and Aux. Projects Summary Multi-Year report?


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What is the Self-Support and Aux. Projects Summary Multi-Year report?

The Self-Support and Aux. Projects Summary report allows users to select a department and a time period and see financial information for non-state and award funded projects.

Who should use this report?

Anyone interested in financial information related to the Self-Support or Auxiliary projects.

The report shows a summary project's financial information by row for a single department.

The report is able to cross fiscal years, and present beginning balances as of any date selected, rather than the start of the fiscal year.

Running the Report

File Path: Financial Services > Financial Reports > Summary Reports > Self-Support and Aux. Projects Summary Multi-Year


Fund - Select either 1112 (Auxiliary) , 1113 (Self-Support), or 1116 (Service Unit).

Department - Select a department with a 5 digit department code.

Project Type - Select all the project types of interest. (Default will be all project types selected).

Projects - All projects associated with department will show Select all the projects of interest. (Default will be all projects selected).

Start Date - Select any date.

End Date - The end date can be in a different fiscal year then the start date.

Include Open Encumbrances? - Choose if you would like to see Open Encumbrances displayed and taken out of the final balance.

How to read the report?

The report shows the selected projects on seperate rows and presents a summary of their financial activities in the following columns

  • "Balance / (Deficit) as of xx/xx/xxxx" - Shows the beginning balance as of the day before the selected start date.

  • "Revenue" - The sum of all the revenue during the selected time period.

  • "Salary and Fringe Expenses" - The sum of all salary, wages, and fringe expenses.

  • "Operating Expenses" - The sum of all operating expenses.

  • "Open Encumbrances as of xx/xx/xxxx" - The sum of all open requisitions and purchase orders as of the selected end date.

  • "Balance / (Deficit) as of xx/xx/xxxx" - The ending balance as of the selected end date.

Drill Downs

Drilling on the project descriptions runs the Self Support and Aux. Project Summary by Account Multi-Year report.

Drilling on the Revenue, or Expense numbers runs the Actuals Detail by Fiscal by Date Period.