Types of Accounts

Types of Accounts

Active Directory

For UMBC employees, AD grants access to department computer workstations, printers, and shared network resources. Active Directory is a collective term for Microsoft's integrated set of directory services. Most significantly, Active Directory provides a central, search-able information repository (allowing simple sharing of network resource information), while acting as the central authority for network security.

All network resources are represented in Active Directory as objects and each object can be assigned certain attributes, which characterize the object. For example, a user object in Active Directory can have attributes such as First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, etc.


myUMBC portal is a web "supersite" with a collection of links to popular web services at UMBC. A kind of "doorway" into the University. The site provides a variety of services including course registration, directories, online shopping, discussion groups, Web searching, channels (small windows within a page that are dynamically updated and determined by the user) and links to other sites.

Portal Account

Prospective students applying to the university will receive limited access to the myUMBC portal to check their application status throughout the admission process.


Grants access to computer labs, file storage, personal website publishing and more.


DoIT provides incoming and outgoing gateways for the passage of email to and from the University. Incoming gateways deliver to DoIT supported mail servers, from which users read their email, and also deliver to some departmental systems which support their own users. The gateways perform virus checking and spam email assessment. High spam scores are used to discard messages before delivery to user inbox servers; intermediate scores can be used to tag them for filtering according to user-selected rules.

There are two systems for handling email at UMBC which are managed by DoIT. Most users, including all accounts created after August 2010 use Gmail. Faculty and staff with an account created prior to August 2010 have email provided through our legacy Webmail (Cyrus) service unless they choose to migrate to the recommended Gmail service.


UMBC's Residential Network (ResNet) provides access to information resources, including computer networks and computer equipment to students living in the residence halls. Appropriate use of computing resources should always be legal and ethical, reflect academic honesty, uphold community standards, and prevent the over-consumption of shared resources such as network bandwidth. Appropriate use should demonstrate respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and individual's right to privacy and to freedom from intimidation and harassment.


Secure remote access to campus computing resources including Library journals.

Peoplesoft Finance/HR

The Financial database consists of general ledger, accounts payable, purchasing and reports. The PeopleSoft HRMS system consists of human resources and payroll. In order to obtain access to the various financial and HR applications, you must have a myUMBC account and be granted access to the application.

Research Computing

Research computing accounts provide access to the high-performance computing platforms and software that DoIT maintains and are meant to be used for computation- and memory-intensive computing jobs.

Scheduling (R25)

Resource 25, or simply R25, is a campus-wide event and class scheduling system. R25 will assist the computing community by streamlining the way we schedule events and reserve spaces on campus. It also fosters more efficient use of space and simplifies space planning processes across campus.

Student Administration

Student Administration (SA) is the corporate system that will be used to manage the student academic life cycle from application through to award.

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