All UMBC faculty can create their own accounts and a corresponding CourseArc site through Blackboard. 

CourseArc works by creating 1) a site to contain your course's content and 2) modules containing individual pieces of content within the site for your course. When you access CourseArc for the first time, you automatically create your account and the CourseArc site. Subsequent steps focus on creating the modules for building content. CourseArc will automatically create a link to those modules in your course each time you create them.

From an Ultra Course

  1. Access your Ultra course.
  2. Go to your Course Content page and click the purple (+) to add content.
  3. Select Content Market.

  4. Click on Create CourseArc Content. 

From an Original Course

  1. Access your Original course.
  2. Go to a content area where you want the CourseArc content to reside.
  3. Click Create Content → Create CourseArc Content.

Show Me: Add CourseArc Module to Ultra Course

src="" height="360"
style="border: 1px solid #464646;" 
allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Show Me: Add CourseArc Module to Original Course

<iframe src="" height="360" 
style="border: 1px solid #464646;" 
allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Adding a Module to a Blackboard shell

  1. Regardless of whether you are using Ultra or Original, after you select Create CourseArc Content, a new tab will open for the tool. 

  2. CourseArc will automatically create a site for you in the application as well as the first module for creating content. Select the Module or choose now to create a new module.

  3. Enter a name for the new module. This name will display in the link to students and in the title of the content on the CourseArc page.

  4. After you select a module or create a new module to select, CourseArc will present a success message on the screen.

  5. Accessing the module to work on the CourseArc content will vary on the type of Blackboard course you are using. You may need to refresh the page or close the course and return to it to see your CourseArc module link.

    CourseArc link in an Ultra course. CourseArc link in an Original course.

    By default, CourseArc makes its links available so you may wish to hide the content until it is ready.

  6. Clicking the link will open the CourseArc application and the specific module you created.