Effective immediately, the Library will no longer accept most donations of record albums. Offers of albums will be screened prior to accepting a prospective donation.

In the past, gifts of record albums have made major contributions to the Library Media collection of recorded music and speech. However record albums, and therefore the equipment used to play them, have been replaced with newer technology, such as audiocassettes, CDs and MP3. While the library still has functioning equipment to play records at this time that won't always be the case and it will become harder to acquire replacement parts.

Guidelines to make determinations on record albums offered:

  1. State general guideline, but question the donor as to size and content of collection. Ask if the collection could be perused and selected from, rather than taking the entire collection. Exceptions may be made by the Collection Management Librarian.
  2. Collection Management may refer donor to other libraries in the area.
  3. If collection content appears to be of interest, the Collection Management Librarian may consult with the Music Department Library Liaison concerning music, and with other appropriate departments concerning spoken word recordings, or with the Chief Curator/Special Collection Librarian.
  4. If LPs are accepted it is unlikely they will be cataloged.
  5. Those LPs accepted and kept in storage should be reviewed within 10 years to re-assess the worth then of keeping the materials in light of technology succession.

Reference: LEC minutes of meeting held 10/09/02

Finalized LEC email exchanges 10/02