In order to minimize the backlog of DVDs that need original cataloging, some DVDs will be minimally cataloged by a copy-cataloger according to the following guidelines:

If you have any questions, at any time, just ask the Media cataloger!

  1. In Connexion, create a new Visual Materials record and apply the DVD - basic constant data
    1. Cataloging → Create → Single Record → Visual Materials (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + V)
    2. Edit → Constant Data → Online → Apply from List → OK → DVD - basic → Choose Fields to Apply → Both → Apply Selected
  2. In the fixed field:
    1. Code Lang
      1. jpn for Japanese
      2. ger for German
      3. eng for English
      4. fre for French
      5. spa for Spanish
      6. kor for Korean
      7. Other codes:
    2. Code Dates
      1. Most recent date on the item in the first box, leave the second box blank
    3. Code Ctry (Use the code that matches the 264 $a) 
      1. enk for England
      2. ja for Japan
      3. gw for Germany
      4. fr for France
      5. ko for South Korea
      6. mx for Mexico
      7. sp for Spain
      8. Other codes:
  3. Variable fields:
    1. 028 42 - Transcribe at least one from the item
      1. $a publisher number
      2. $b publisher name
    2. 245 0x - Transcribe the title as it appears on the container (or on the disc surface if it does not appear on the container).
      1. The first indicator will always be 0; the second indicator will change based on the initial article. If an article appears, the second indicator will be the number of letters in that article plus one. See language notes below for more information on articles.
      2. Follow capitalization rules in language note below
      3. DO NOT add $h videorecording
    3. 264 _1 - Publisher information; delete blank 260
      1. $a Add one place of publication from the item; if you can't find a specific one, but there's some indication of a country on the item, put that country in square brackets
      2. $b Add at least one publisher name
      3. $c Add the latest date in square brackets
    4. 300 - If there is more than one DVD, change the number and add an "s" at the end of videodisc.
      1. If the DVD is in color, delete "b&w"; if the DVD is black and white, delete "col."
      2. If the running time is available, include it in parentheses following "videodisc."
    5. 538 - If available, add PAL or NTSC and the region code following "DVD."
    6. 546 - Fill language information into curved brackets; if the DVD is in English, you don't need to use this field unless there are subtitles.
    7. 655 - Delete the heading that isn't appropriate!

Delete any curved brackets after you've edited the information.

Transcription Notes

Common Foreign Articles:

French: le, la, les, un, une

Spanish: el, la, los, una, un

German: der, den, dem, des, die, der, das, ein, eine


Some languages have different capitalization rules than English. In both French and Spanish, only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (for example "français" for "French"). In German, all nouns are capitalized (i.e. Regie for direction, Direktor for director, Drehbuch for script). Do your best, but don't worry too much about making errors in capitalization.

If you have any questions, at any time, just ask the Media cataloger!