A Special Collections staff member will log you in to Wikipedia. Please use the Special Collections account, not your personal account if you have one.

Keep a list of the pages that you add references to and give this to a Special Collections staff member before you leave for the day. Staff will double check foramt and appropriateness.

Do not edit the content of the pages; please only add a link to our collections under the External Links section.

Which pages are appropriate?

Select a collection and analyze key terms, people, organizations, events, or movements. Start broadly! The collection title may provide 2 or 3 references, or use the descriptions on the Special Collections website. Only add links to pages that clearly relate to the collection! We don't want to upset anyone by adding too many links where they are not applicable. Imagine you are a researcher - would our collection be a natural extention of the page you are looking at, would it be helpful, would you possibly click through to our webpages from wikipedia?

Example 1: Jule Eisenbud collection on Ted Serios and thoughtographic photography
Possible pages: Jule Eisenbud, Ted Serios, thoughtographic photography or thoughtographs

Example 2: Baltimore Sun financial and selected labor records
Possible pages: Baltimore Sun, the Baltimore Writers Guild

Example 3: The Merkle Collection
Possible pages: Satire

Example 4: Ardsley Park photo album
Possible pages: Ardsley, New York, Cyrus West Field

Standard format of link:

Use only the sections required.
Item, Collection name at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
