Tell me
Courses created in Blackboard are available by default to Instructors, TA's, and Course Builders to allow time to work on course updates before students have access to it. Students cannot access a course set to Unavailable, but they will see it listed on their Courses page.
Where is Qwickly for course availability?
At this time, the vendor is not yet ready for the Ultra Experience dashboard. We are working closely with the developers to test the tool throughout our transition to Ultra.
There are 3 ways to make your course available:
OPTION #1 | |
Set the course status from the Course list page. Choose Open when you're ready for students to participate. | |
OPTION #2 | |
Use the Make Available tool from your Original course's Home Page.
NOTE: This tool is ONLY available from the Home Page. If you change your course's landing page, you will not see this tool unless you go to the Home Page. | |
OPTION #3 | |
Modify the course's properties.