Attendance Onkar, Gabriel, Shreyansh, Nathan, Meyer, Eric, Roy
Date/Time 12/01/22 12:00-6:00PM
Spaces Occupied: 401, Control Room, Dome
- Remove panel for GAM for attaching motor stepper control (Thor)
Other Notes
How we got there
- Onkar engaged motors to slew telescope south to expose GAM for easier access to Erik
- Scope didn't stop at predetermined location communicated by TheSky6
- TS6: Crosshairs went past target position and continued moving South
- Eileen/Erik tried to get Onkar to stop the motors
- "HALT MOTORS" button being IN didn't stop motors
- Disengaging "DRIVES" switch also didn't stop the motors
- Disengaging "MTR DRIVER CHASSIS" switch DID stop the motors
- We don't know why this happened.
- And we couldn't issue further commands to right the telescope
- No TCS commands worked
- No hand paddle commands worked
- No slew commands issued through TS6 worked
- We aren't SURE, but it seems like the motors would continue to drive if we re-engaged the "DRIVES" and "MTR DRIVER CHASSIS"
- We heard a humming sound
How we fixt it
- At some point in the above, the "HORIZON LIMIT" LED light went off, interrupting power to the motors
- Per "2.3 LIMIT SWITCH" in DFM_Telescope_Manual.pdf on Desktop of DC
- Before identifying this as the issue, we confirmed that the fuses on the TCS Chassis were good and power cycled TS6 and DFM TCS Software and entire TCS Computer
- Again, per "2.3 LIMIT SWITCH" in the manual, Erik and Onkar physically pushed the telescope above the horizon with all three switches/buttons disengaged.
- In this state, any movement upward wasn't held in place by the motors
- After "DRIVES" and "MTR DRIVER CHASSIS" were engaged, the telescope was held in place as Onkar and Erik physically pushed the scope above the horizon
- Concurrently, the "HORIZON LIMIT" LED light came back on.
- After the "HORIZON LIMIT" LED was back on, we could issue motor commands from the TCS.
- We manually moved the telescope to zenith and stowed.
- TS6 still doesn't report the correct position of the telescope when the link is established.
- Figure out why this happened
- Figure out what the "HALT MOTORS" button does
- Figure out what the "DRIVES" switch does
- Figure out what the "MTR DRIVER CHASSIS" switch does
- (Consult the manual)