The Library's Computer Services (CS) staff consists of the Library Coordinator of Computing and student assistants; their limited numbers do not permit close personal support of every PC user in the Library. Therefore:
- All software installed on Library PCs must be licensed and registered software, shareware, or freeware. Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted software is illegal. Any unlicensed software on Library PCs must be immediately deleted. If staff are unsure about any particular piece of software, they should check with CS.
- Some software, when installed, makes changes in system files that can occasionally cause problems when running other programs. Well behaved software informs you of any changes it is about make, but a lot of software doesn't. Shareware and freeware downloaded from the Internet or gotten through other channels can harbor viruses that may damage your system files or cause other problems. For these reasons, staff should consult with CS before installing any new software on Library PCs.
- We have encountered problems caused by changes made to system files inadvertently or by unauthorized users. To address these problems CS recommends installation of IronClad software or equivalent. IronClad protects application software from being deleted; allows users to customize their environment, but does not save modified settings; permits permanent changes by CS at staff request; protects the hard drive from being inadvertently reformatted, but still allows formatting of floppy disks; protects against viruses; prevents system files from being modified; and has no effect on data file management. CS's goal is not to be software police, but to ensure that all applications installed on Library PCs remain in good working order and to avoid system crashes and unproductive downtime. IronClad will ordinarily be installed only with staff approval; however, if a PC experiences repeated problems that require fixes by CS, IronClad will be installed.
- Staff should observe basic PC etiquette. Don't use someone else's PC without their permission, and definitely don't make any changes on it. Don't allow students to use staff PCs for non-work related tasks; and, while we encourage exploration, we ask that staff refer students to CS before allowing them to make changes to staff PCs.
guideline promulgated 6/19/95
revised for manual 9/1/95, edited 8/13/04