- After notifying the liaisons, take the web order system down so that no orders can be placed or modified.
- Open the status table and identify the two oldest fiscal years still included in the database.
Delete data from the oldest fiscal year:
- Run delete queries on the request table to delete all requests with those statuses.
- Delete the old statuses from the status table.
Change the status of current fiscal year order Rejected and Cleared orders to archival statuses:
- Create new records in the status table for the Rejected and Cleared orders from fiscal year just ending.
- Run an update query to change the status of current Rejected orders to the new status for the fiscal year just ending.
- Run an update query to change the status of the current Cleared in Acquisitions orders to the new status for the fiscal year just ending.
Adjust the web interface and restore access:
- Alter the web order system interface so that the accessible previous fiscal year orders are those from the previous two fiscal years.
- Re-store access to the system and inform liaisons that it's again available.