Lynda Aldana
Amanda Calabrese
Kathy Chetelat
Jennifer Fitch
Jasmine Shumaker
Katy Sullivan
To develop and communicate collection policy to the Libraries’ staff and administration. To develop a collection that supports the teaching, learning, and research at UMBC and reflects the university’s commitment to inclusive excellence, equity, and diversity.
Tasks may include but are not limited to:
- Develop collection development policies that articulate our mission and values and specify the criteria for evaluating and selecting materials regardless of format that are to be added.
- Develop policies/criteria and oversee the work to rightsize the collection by identifying materials to deselect, digitize, commit to retain or a combination of both.
- Develop methods and procedures for regularly reviewing the serials collection including a review process.
- Develop criteria and procedures for managing and tracking trials.
- Manage statistics gathering for eresources and develop criteria for determining which resources to keep.
- When needed consult with Special Collections on retention or transfer of materials to/from Special Collections
- Develop guidelines on any exceptions to our EAST commitments for transferring materials between collections
- Maintaining and documenting all of our collaborative commitments.
- Reporting out to areas impacted by the work/decisions, asking for input, working with others to develop timelines and schedules when needed.
Associate Director for Technical Services, Chair (Initially - after committee is established may review)
No more than 1-2 Representatives from Acquisitions, Bibliographic and Metadata Services, Circulation, Inter-Library Loan, Reference, and Serials
For continuity and due to the number of tasks, initial terms will be for 2 years. After 1 1/2 years the Committee will review to determine best practices for membership and terms.
Meeting Schedule
Initially, the group may need to meet frequently. At a minimum the group will meet monthly with work between meetings occurring via email and reviewing shared documents. When there are particular projects or deadlines, the group may meet more frequently.