Description needs to be added to the XSLT to add a description column for sponsors.
Example set for developing the procedure:
Using Notepad:
Sets that are all being loaded into the same collection can be combined. Multiple My Library files can be combined by copying everything from the first <record> tag to the last </record> tag, and pasting it into another My Library file after the <records> tag. Note that sets can also be combined in Excel later by adding the contents of one spreadsheet to another.
Find and replaced all instances of </author> with ||</author>
Find and replaced all instances of </keyword> with ||</keyword>
Use EditX to transform the xml:
Open the file in Notepad do the following
Find all instances of 
 and replace with nothing
Find all instances of </notes> and replace with </dc.identifier.citation>
Find all instances of ### and replace with </notes><dc.identifier.citation>
Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. If you don’t see the developer tab, go to file, options, customize ribbon, and under main tabs, select the developer tab. Go to Developer, import, and select your XML file. Click ok. Ensure the next box say $A$A, then click ok.
Check for a title. a URL, an abstract, and a citation. Fill in any that are missing. Hide the abstract column, citation column, and relation.isAvailableAt column.
Someone who knows how to process fills in columns A-N and Y-AA
Next person fills in the collection the load is going into in dc.relation.ispartof (using find and replace), authors. orcids, contributors, and any additional collections.
Someone who knows how to input fills in filenames. gathers pdfs, fills in extant, DOI, type (f not text), genre, sponsor, language (if not English) and date.
- explanatory headers:
If there’s an error in an EXML document, you can open it in Microsoft Edge and it will identify the element with the error. You can then open the xml in Notepad and find that element.
If importing into Excel goes wrong, there is likely a duplicate element in the XML.