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How to access Google Analytics dashboard from Sites

There are two ways to access your analytics dashboard:

  1. Go to your analytics dashboard directly by visiting, or 

  2. Login to your sites dashboard, and look in the "At a Glance" card on the dashboard.
    Click on the Analytics link:

Location of the 'Analytics' link on the sites admin dashboard, the top right item in the 'At a Glance' dashboard card

How to view your website analytics:

Once you've connected to the analytics dashboard, you can select your domain using the filters at the top:

  1. Select specific date range to display data from - we suggest the last month or year of data. 

  2. Click on the "Hostname" dropdown, and start typing in your sites URL in the box that says "Type to search." When you see your URL come up, hover your mouse over it and an "only" button will appear. Click "Only" to display analytics from your website.

Once you fill out these two items, the data will populate live in the dashboard cards below. 

Typing in the domain name to limit analytics to only your site

This info can be used to gain a sense of who your audience is, where they're coming from, and what content is most or least important to them.

*Do note that "Average Session Duration" is one data point that isn't always the most accurate because people sometimes leave tabs open on their browser that they aren't actively viewing.

All the other data points are certainly useful to look at, such as New or Returning Users, Page Views, Demographics, Audience Geographics, Traffic Trends, Traffic Source, etc...