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If you think that the message is asking you to do something that seems unusual, look up the phone number of the person the message is from in the UMBC directory, call the person, and ask them if they really sent the message. Do not call a person back at a phone number that is listed in the suspicious email message. The phishing message may include the phone number of the hacker. For example, if you get a message saying that there is a problem with your computer account and you aren’t sure if it’s a real message, please call the DoIT Technology Support Center (410-455-3838) and ask if it’s a real message. This also applies to any messages that might appear to come from Human Resources, Finance, Financial Aid, or any other department. If the message seems strange, trust your instincts, look up the correct phone number for the person, and call to verify the message. If you believe the message to be a phishing email, send a copy of the “full headers” and as much information as you can to security@umbc.edu. DoIT will review the messages, verify that they are phishing messages, and take steps to try and protect the rest of the community.
Once you've reported any phishing messages to security@umbc.edu, please delete the messages, and very importantly, never click on the links in a phishing message. Just by clicking on the link in a phishing message, you may download a malicious program onto your computer. |
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