Regular Teleworking Agreements
The Library follows the UMBC Telework Policy (VII-111.00.01). Library employees may be eligible for telework based on the nature of their assigned and implicit duties, current and previous year performance ratings, degree of supervision required, employee skill, availability of suitable off-site office space and technology, and other factors, as described in Policy VII-1.00.01. The supervisor will determine which employee(s) and position(s) are eligible for teleworking. The employee and supervisor must complete and file the UMBC Telework Agreement, Remote Workplace Certification Checklist, and Teleworker Plan before the telework schedule begins.
Supervisors may also grant temporary telework privileges, at their discretion, in the event of inclement weather or extreme traffic or parking disruptions, or when the Library is closed for an emergency or other reasons. Refer to Guideline 672, Performance Standards for Working Off Site when Library is Closed, for details.
Reference: L. Wilt memo to C. Powell10/9/91