- If you did notfind a matching bib record, or found a matching bib without UMBC holdings:
- Check the remarks on the order. Does their requester tell you what is being replaced?
- If so, find that record and check it for a problem status and "To be Replaced" note. If they are present, jump down to the "Once you've found the item being replaced" section. Otherwise give the order to the Acquisitions Librarian.
- Is the requester saying that it's a replacement for an uncatalogued item? If so, write on the order: "Library note: Replacement for uncatalogued item." You're done with this procedure --complete the order using the Procedures for Specific Types of Ordersproceed as usual.
- If the requester isn't telling you anything at all:
- Try to find an item with a problem status and/or "To be Replaced" note on records for similar items. Often, the item ordered is slightly different than the item being replaced. A video might be replaced with a DVD, for example. Or an earlier edition might be replaced with the most current edition. As above, when you find the item that is likely being replaced, it also must have a problem status and the "To be Replaced" note, and if it doesn't, you must give the order to the Acquisitions Librarian.
- Check the remarks on the order. Does their requester tell you what is being replaced?
- Once you've found the holding with the status problem and "To be Replaced" note, write "Replacement for item on [System number]" replacing the [System number] with the actual system number of the bib record that the item is attached to.
- Look for additional UMBC holdings on records with similar content or later editions. If we already have a copy of the item being replaced, in another format, or in a later edition, give the order to the Acquisitions Librarian, as we may not want to replace the problem item if we already have another copy.
- Follow the Instructions for Specific Types of Book Orders at Specific Types of Book OrdersProceed as usual.