1. Prepare spreadsheet showing Revenues money to be moved to materials in Aleph.
Include: a. Full amount of all foundation funds in revenues. b. Actual free balance of the parent fund in materials for each transfer fund.
3. Deduct amounts from appropriate fund in Revenues via an invoicea postdated invoice (postdating prevents the invoice from appearing on the R or P reports, which are used to reconcile materials).
4. Allocate amounts to appropriate fund in Materials via an allocation (NOT initial).
6. File records of money moved into closed invoice file for current year under Revenues: a. Journal entry copy received from Alla. b. Reconciliation. c. Budget Summaries from day before. d. Budget Summaries from day after.
7. File records of money moved into transfer department files.
8. Reset encumbrance thresholds based on new revenue balances.