Versions Compared


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Transfer Funds are amounts transferred by other university units for specific purposes. All money transferred to us from other university units goes into revenues. The money is spent from materials, and as money is spent, the amount spent is transferred from revenues to materials. However, the money actually isn’t transferred from revenues. We carry over transfer funds from one year to the next until it is all spent. In some instances, we provide monthly reports on all items purchased on transfer funds.


Fund Descriptions

Additional information on these funds, such as MOU’s, may be available in the Acquisition Librarian’s files.


Bell (BELL)-- This is an endowment fund.  The amount available to spend each year depends on the interest earned. The Administrative Office provides periodic reports on the spendable income. The Collection Management Librarian selects for BurchardBell.

Burchard (BU)-- This is an endowment fund.  The amount to spend each year depends on the interest earned depends on the interest earned. The Administrative Office provides periodic reports on the spendable income. The Music Department liaison selects for Burchard. If they are not providing requests, the Media Librarian may be able to help.


Division of Professional Studies (DPS)— This fund contains money transferred by the Division of Professional Studies.. DPS funds are used primarily to purchase cyber security monographs when they are requested by Cyber Security grad students through ILL.  But can be used for other monographs requested by grad students in DPS programs. 

Erickson School (ERIC)— This fund contains money transferred by the Ericson School of Management of Aging Services.


Jaquish Fund (JAQ)-- This is an endowment fund.  The amount to spend each year depends on the interest earned. The Administrative Office provides periodic reports on the spendable income. The Head of Special Collections selects for KuhnJaquish.

Kuhn Fund (Albin O.) (Kuhn)-- This is an endowment fund.  The amount to spend each year depends on the interest earned. The Administrative Office provides periodic reports on the spendable income. The Head of Special Collections selects for Kuhn.
