Note |
These instructions are NOT for personal userpages ( Instructions for userpages can be found in How do I set up a personal website on |
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From the SFTP compatible editor of your choice, use the following connection information:
Noteinfo |
The names of the following settings may vary depending on the software you are using. |
Protocol/Access |
Server/FTP Host/Remote Host |
Port |
Remote Host/Root Directory | For sites created before September, 2015:
For sites created after September, 2015:
Username/Login | Your UMBC Account Username |
Password | Your UMBC Account Password |
Once connected, you will notice a few folders.
prod/htdocs is for your main website
dev/htdocs is for any development/testing (visible on the web by adding
in your website address, ex/
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private/ contains a text file with any database connection information if a database was created for your site