Instruction Room Guidelines
I. Primary Use
The Library Instruction Room 259, is made available for the purpose of providing librarian-mediated instruction to students, faculty and staff on how to access library and electronic resources.
III. Scheduling
Room 259 is scheduled by using the Request an Instruction Session form at, or contacting the Reference department at or 410-455-2346. As a general rule, no fewer than five (5) business days are necessary to reserve the room for an event.
No significant reconfiguration of room furniture or equipment is permitted.
Requesters Requestors must provide a date and time, including beginning and ending times of the event when making a reservation.
V. Food and Drink:
Food or drink is not permitted in this room.
policy guideline adopted 9/26/95, revised 2/1/01, 11/07/01, 07/30/03
references: Library Council meeting 10/19/00, 11/07/01