Tell Me
- First open your gmail.
- In the search bar at the top of the page there is a drop down arrow ↓. Click this arrow.
- Enter your search criteria. For example, you can search: All mail, spam, sent mail, drafts, chats, and more(refer to P1).
- For the 'From' text box type:
- You may choose to organize documents by putting Completed in the 'Subject' text box. This will filter all the 'document completed' messages that are sent from DocuSign. Another option is entering Please DocuSign in the subject text box which will filter the DocuSign documents that still need to be signed.
- At the bottom right corner of the filter box, click 'Create filter with this search>>'.
- This second box is where you choose what you'd like the filter to do. Options(P3) include:
- Skip the inbox(messages will be archived).
- mark Mark messages as read when they come in.
- Star messages.
- Apply a label to a message. In image P3, the label created was 'DocuSign'. This means that messages will route into the folder labeled DocuSign.
- The message can be forwarded to another address.
- Delete it(deletes the message as soon as it comes in).
- Never send to spam.
- Always mark as important.
- Never mark as important.
- Categorize(messages can be categorized as social, promotional, update, or forum).
- Lastly, the apply filter to matching conversations shows how many messages you have that currently fit the criteria of your filter.
- Click 'Create Filter'.
- Using the images on the left as an example the filter created will apply the filtered emails to the DocuSign folder created when an email from with the subject Please Docusign is received.
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