Aiden Faust (AF), UB
Alison Foley (AFO), St. Mary's Seminary and University
Ann Hudak (AH), UMCP
Anne Turkos (AT), UMCP
Beth Alvarez (BA), UMCP
Bill Cady (BC), EPFL/SLRC, Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage
Barbara O'Brien (BO), McDaniel College
Bill Sleeman (BS), UM Law
Colleen Formby (CF), PGCMLS, Maryland Room
David Angerhofer, (DA), Maryland Historical Society
Doug McElrath (DM), UMCP
Elizabeth Howe (EH), Washington County Free LibraryJill Craig (JC), Western MD Regional Library
John Gartrell (JG), Afro-American Newspapers
Joni Jones (JJ), Banneker-Douglass Museum
Jennie Levine (JLV), UMCP
Katherine Baer (KB), MD State Law Library
Kathy Cowan (KC), MICA
Kat Ryner (KR), St. Mary's College of Maryland
Lindsey Loeper (LL), UMBC
Mary Mannix (MM), Frederick County Public Library
Megan McShea (MMS), Archives of American Art
Martha Ruff (MR), Prince George's County Public Library
Michael Scott (MS) EPFL, MDCH
Robin Emrich (RE), Columbia Archives
Rob Schoeberlein (RS), MD State Archives
Rob Shindle (RSH), UB
Shelia Bailey (SB), UMES
Susan Graham (SG), UMBC
I. Brief Introductions
II. Tour of the http://www.pgcmls.info/SpColl/Sojourner/Sojourner.htmlSojourner Truth Room
III. Wiki Update (Lindsey Loeper)
Front page: list of specializations
The Chesapeake Project was implemented in early 2007 under the auspices
of the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA), an independent
organization of law libraries supported by the American Association of
Law Libraries (AALL), by three LIPA-member libraries: the Georgetown Law
Library and the State Law Libraries of Maryland and Virginia.
At the end of the year, they did some checking, and 18% of Maryland
documents were no longer on the web by the end of the year
Link to list of 856 titles if you want to attach the WorldCat link in
your own catalog (the link is included in the handout)
KR: How often do you harvest and add new records?
KB: Several times/week. Innovative (software). Uses Maryland Documents from the
Legislature, to identify things. Uses Maryland Clipper also, to find items.
KR: Would it be helpful to have people feed you information on documents? For example, at the county level? Answer: Yes - for example, they are working on municipal codes now
Digitizing old task force reports from the 1950s-1980s. Rule Committee
minutes: in PTFS (Digital Collections of the Maryland State Law Library)
JLV: This is also a problem with web harvesting - many websites do not specify copyrights or include use statements.
VI. Strategies for advocacy (Doug McElrath)
Break for lunch
Introduction to Muriel Ferguson, a member of Friends of Oxon Hill and BISA, Black women In Sisterhood for Action. In partnership with both the Friends and BISA, calendars are available for $10 and all proceeds go to the two groups. MHCC libraries may sell these calendars at the their own branches if requested. Ferguson also encouraged the group to explore the Oxon Hill library with particular emphasis on the stained glass artwork which had been acquired using grant funds for public artwork.
VI. Strategies for advocacy (Doug McElrath)
Proposal: To discuss ways that the Maryland History and Culture Collaborative can continue to play a role of advocacy for cultural institutions across the state.
DE: MHCC has a history of advocating on behalf of Maryland cultural institutions and collections, one example being the Baltimore City Archives letter of concern and Aiden Faust's recent presentation on the topic. The subgroup would work on an agenda, mission, possible projects for advocacy within and external from MHCC members.
KC: Build presence through exhibitions, events, speakers, and other programming
JLV: Members can use the email reflector to reach out to colleagues. Members can ask questions within the group, discuss strategies for working with administrators, etc. Will send out listing of subscribers on the list. Subscribers listing, including name, institution, and e-mail (restricted to logged in users only).
BC: Suggests posting an open letter from MHCC on the wiki expressing concern about the state of archiving in Maryland. This letter would be from the group, would list names of petitioners, and would be available for comment and revision.
JLV: Should also consider the mission statement currently posted on wiki - does this reflect our goals?
DE: According to the Fall 2008 poll, members like the informality of the group because it provides flexibility
KC: Will an informal structure hurt the group when applying for grants?
DE: The grants would need to be based in a home institution although prepared and supported by MHCC. Would like to create a section for advocacy on the wiki and restrict these pages to members only. Use the wiki and email reflector to continue to share problems and concerns. (Editor's note: I set up an advocacy sectionunderneath the For MHCC Members section. The main advocacy home page and all child pages created underneath it are restricted to logged in members only - another reason to log in!)
VII. Information Sharing
JG: Collaborated with Maryland Humanities Council on exhibit about Rosa Parks; all images are from the Afro-American and the exhibit is traveling if other institutions are interested (has been at Lexington Market, now at the Charles Center Metro station). A three year grant with Johns Hopkins just ended.
KC: The main building at MICA was dedicated in 1908 and the library put together an exhibit that led to other celebrations on campus. The publicity led to the discovery of a second, well preserved copy of the building's blue prints, which were digitized.