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The use of special characters such as (#,&,+) can potentially cause problems.



Instructors should not include special characters in the file names of documents they are uploading to Blackboard through the Assignment and Safe Assignment feature.  Also, instructors when creating Assignments or Safe Assignments should not use special characters when naming them.  Blackboard recommends the following guidelines for filenames:  Characters a-z (upper or lower case), 0-9, period "." and underscore "_" are acceptable in filenames.  Spaces in file names are converted to underscores in the name of the uploaded file.

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Special characters are discouraged in filenames (whether uploaded by a student or instructor), content and content area titles, and Grade Center columns.


When incorporating files into Blackboard, remember (also remind students) not to use the following illegal filename characters:

Code Block
spaces in filenames 
\ (backslash) 
/ (forward slash) 
: (colon) 
; (semi-colon) 
* (asterisk) 
? (question mark) 
" (double quotes) 
< (left angle bracket) 
> (right angle bracket) 
| (pipe) 
% (percent) 
, (comma) 
# (pound or number) 
$ (dollar) 
! (exclamation) 
+ (plus) 
{ ( left bracket) 
} ( right bracket) 
& (ampersand) 
[ ( left square bracket) 
] ( right square bracket) 
• (bullet) 
' (apostrophe)