Attendance Eileen, Erik, Roy, Gabriel until 1245
Date & Time 11/10/2022, 1200-1415
Spaces Occupied: 401, Control Room, Dome
- Investigate security camera installation
- Identify trash stuffs
- Get remaining todos identified/logged
- Gabriel and Roy cleaned things a bit
- identified trash
- tidied space
- Rim around dome is wooden, removing foam (and bird detritus) should be straightforward, just gross
- Reinstalled BlueIris (for security cameras) on DC.
- Downloaded v5 directly from https://blueirissoftware.com/#download
- License Key (in Eileen's name) in email between Roy/Eileen subject line "FWD: Delivery information for "Blue Iris (full)"..." from Jun 14, 2022
- Need students to check these out
Other notes
- Blue Iris needs to be reinstalled on DC – DONE
- On cameras
- 4x for general purpose
- 1x for audio?
- Check with Eileen
- Other UPS for powering everything else behind TCS desk
- We need MNCP Active in DFMTCS in order to use TheSky6
- DFMTCS→ Options → Communication → MNCP Tab
- Remove rope light around rim of DFM scope
- Install new anti-glare material
- Test attaching small security camera to scope periphery to view mirror door operation
- Remove foam loosely nailed to rim of Dome
- Roy Prouty , put in networks request for static IPs for the ethernet ports in the dome.
- 3 in dome
- 2 on atmo platform
- all for cameras
- 4,5,6 in dome, 13, 14 on atmo platform
- List for keeling over scope
- attach camera to support for mirror doors
- reattach anti-glare (flocking) to light baffle
- remove rope lights
- game plan for cleaning primary mirror
- Check with Bill
- Number of upcoming observation nights before we're good for proof of concept
- data pls
- get info on how bruce weaver(?) cleaned their primary mirror
- work with students on camera setup
- buy longer ethernet cables for in-dome security cameras
- room rearrangement
- desk
- get rid of books on current shelf
- wall shelving?
- Ask erik about ceiling tiles installed