Note: This collection used to be housed in a binder at the Technology Service Center (TSC). They requested that these be housed on permanent reserve at circulation. The following procedures detail how to create the brief records that will allow circulation functions in Aleph.
Aleph template: BCTSCCD
- If a year is readily available (either on the inventory or the disc), change the 008 and add 260 $c.
- Add title from the disc to the 245 and the title from the inventory to the 246.
- Use the version from the inventory in the 250
2011 version
8.0.1 faculty edition
9.2 update 3
2008 (Mac)
- Give the number of discs in 300 $a; add the "s" at the end of "disc" if necessary.
- If there's an operating system (Windows, Mac, Linus, etc.) listed, add it to the 538, even if it's already in the 250. Don't worry about details like processor speed and RAM.
- Delete the 540 for discs that aren't limited to faculty and staff use.
Item Work
- Place barcode in container under the disc.
- Sublibrary: BC-BC
- Collection code: RSRSW
- Material Type: SFTWR
- Call No. Type/Call No. indicator: 8
- Call Number: UMRES# (I:\BMS\Accession Lists\UMRES.xlsx)
- Description: as needed (disc 1, disc 2, etc.)
- Item Status: 58 Faculty/Staff, 59 Student/Faculty/Staff
- Place the call number label on the front cover of the case in the top right corner
Holdings Work
- Add OWN tag