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What is the Sponsored Projects Summary Report by award?

The Sponsored Projects Summary Report - Department Summary by Award is a new report showing sponsored projects' information of all active projects for a selected departmentaward number.


Who should use this report?Chairs, Deans, or other users interested in seeing their department's sponsored projects' activity. This report

can bringUsers that are looking at one award that has multiple project ID's


Running the Report

File Path: Financial Services > Sponsored Projects Reports > Sponsored Projects Summary Report - Department Summaryby Award


Accounting Period: Select a month/year or "Use Date Range"

Include Inactive Projects? - Yes/NoDepartment: Select a department or roll-up

Date Range Begin: If selected "Use Date Range"

Date Range End: If selected "Use Date Range"

Award Search: Enter the first digits of a specific award (Not Project Number)

Fund: Defaults to all funds

Projects for Award: Defaults to all projects


Reading the Report

A bar graph displays how much of each project for the award has been expended and how much remains.

Below the graph is a table where each row containing a project and its relevant information.



Clicking on the project number in the bottom table takes the user to the Sponsored Projects Summary - Project Detail report.
