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# Sign in to Gmail
# Click the gear icon in the upper-right !mail_6567_gear_icon.png! and select *mail settings*
# Click the *General* tab
# Find the "*Vacation responder"* section
# Click the desired *Vacation Responder On* or *Vacation Responder Off*
# Select the start date "First Day"*Note:* An end date "Ends" is not required
# Enter the subject and body of your message in the *Subject:* and *Message:* fields
*Note:* If you've enabled a personalized signature in your settings, Gmail will automatically append it to the bottom of your vacation response
# Check the box next to *Only send a response to people in my Contacts* if you don't want everyone who emails you to know that you're away from your mail
# Click *Save Changes* at the bottom
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