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  1. DC & CC - Login
  2. DC - Load "Blue Iris Admin" (located in Start Menu) & confirm that DFM Scope is at Zenith (or close near-about)
    1. This will need to be updooted when we add more cameras
  3. CC - Open "DFMTCS", "TheSky6", & "ASCOM Dome Control" (all located in Start Menu)
  4. MDC - Enable "MTR DRIVER CHASSIS", "DRIVES", "TRACKING", "AUTO DOME", and unpress "HALT MOTORS" button (big red, top-right)
  5. CC - With 3 & 4, DFMTCS "Status" box should read "SETTING" and then clear
  6. CC - DFMTCS → "Telescope" → "Rates" → set RA track rate to 15.042 arcsec/sec, click apply
    1. Verify tracking rate on the center status panel "Rates" that 15.042 had been successfully applied
  7. CC - ASCOM Dome Control: Click "Connect" on RHS; then enable checkbox "Slave Dome to Scope"
  8. CC - ASCOM Dome Control: Click "Open" and confirm with BlueIris that dome shutters open correctly
  9. CC - TheSky6 : "Telescope" > "Link" > "Establish" from top menu
    1. Verify white crosshairs are in center (i.e., at zenith)
    2. If they aren't: restart TheSky6 (This likely needs another page or smthn)
  10. CC - Navigate to DFMTCS → Telescope → _______ → Open Mirror Doors Onkar Rekhi help
    1. The MDC Mirror Door switch should always remain in "OPEN" position
  11. Navigate to "Outlet Control" in browser bookmarks bar
    1. The credentials should auto-fill
    2. "Switch On" outlets 1-4
  12. In Dome
    1. Set thermostat to lowest setting (exhaust fan should turn on)
    2. Install on-axis camera to DFM Scope via GAM-lite, note the camera type (e.g., "ASI294MM Pro")
      1. Plug-in USB cable "on-axis cam data" to this camera
      2. If necessary, plug-in power for this camera via cable "on-axis cam power"
  13. DC - Open two instances of "SharpCap" (located in Start Menu)
    1. From top menu, select "Cameras" and ensure the appropriate cameras are listed (e.g., "ASi294MM Pro")