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  • Coats, etc., carried should be examined or held up in some way to ascertain they aren't concealing library materials. Since books are sometimes concealed beneath coats being worn, you may have to ask the person to remove their coat and pass through the Tattletape detector without the coat while you check both the coat and any suspicious appearance of clothing underneath the coat. However, do not do a body search. If any UMBC Library materials are found suspiciously concealed, follow Library Guideline 432.
  • Allow non-UMBC books, textbooks etc. to pass.
  • Check all UMBC books and any magazines, documents, or other media.
    1. Magazines, most documents, and some books (such books are marked "do not circulate") are not loaned. Unless accompanied by a special pass signed by a responsible Library staff member authorizing a special loan, these non-circulating materials must be retained at the Security Desk for return to the collections. If these were concealed, follow Library Guideline 432.
    2. Any UMBC book that has been damaged or defaced (most commonly the barcode scraped off) must be retained. Also retain any damaged magazines, documents, pages, etc. which have set off the alarm, even if these are not apparently stamped UMBC property (the stamped page may have been torn off/out). Follow Library Guideline 432.
    3. If a UMBC book is undamaged and appears eligible for loan, you must verify that it has been properly loaned.  If a circulation terminal is available, look up each book on the system to see if it is properly loaned. Call the Circulation Desk for assistance if needed. Otherwise, pass the book(s) one by one through the detector path. Those books which do not set off the alarm can be passed and the person may proceed. If any book sets off the alarm, instruct the person to take all the books back to the circulation desk to be properly loaned and desensitized.
