Versions Compared


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Performing professional services for which payment is received (either as wages, through contract/sale, stipend or honorarium) from another UMBC unit, USM or other government agency, or from a private or corporate body.

Staff performing external consulting must do so on their own time, using their own personal supplies, equipment, and resources. Time spent on consulting activities cannot be reported as time worked or toward satisfaction of duty days reported on timesheets.
Supervisors are charged to ensure that consulting activities do not take place on work time or make substantial use of University resources.
Per BOR Policy, advance approval by the UMBC President or designee is required for paid consulting performed for UMBC, other USM institutions, or Md. State agencies.

All staff to whom this policy guideline applies are required to respond to University questionnaires concerning consulting - whether or not they have performed consulting activities
See sample attached (Appendix A) of the current semi-annual form, for which are required, if covered activities were performed:


The Director of the Library or designee (ordinarily the Associate Director for Administrative Services) shall review reports for compliance with University policies, report findings to the appropriate University administrator(s), and retain all reports for audit purposes.

previously implemented policy guideline written 9/799, revised for faculty status 2/6/01
