- Upon entering the Special Collections unit, the user must place any and all coats, briefcases, bookbags, parcels, packages, and umbrellas in lockers or at the designated location by the door.
- Prospective users must show acceptable identification and register by signing the designated form to indicate they understand and agree to abide by the following rules governing use of Special Collections materials.
- The user may then request to use specific Special Collections materials by submitting a completed materials request form (see sample attached as Appendix A ) to the Special Collections desk attendant. Only two items (or one photographic portfolio) may be requested at a time. Requests are not accepted within 15 minutes of the hour the unit closes to the public.
- All requested materials will be retrieved by a staff member and delivered to the user at a reading table. Note: Use of some Special Collections materials may be refused because:
- of restrictions imposed by deposit or gift agreements, or for reasons of confidentiality (e.g., certain record series within the University Archives). Staff will inform readers accordingly.
- the Library holds a duplicate in another more accessible and appropriate format (e.g., the Baltimore Sun and UMBC Retriever are also available on microfilm). Staff may make exceptions according to users' particular research needs.
- The Curator of Photography and Special Collections is authorized to determine what may be photocopied. Some materials may be too fragile to be photocopied.
- All photocopying will be done by Library staff and charged to the requesting user.
- Photographs may not be photocopied. Users may request that a photographic reproduction be made at their expense (see schedule of costs attached as Appendix B - paper copy in Library Administration) . The Curator of Photography and Special Collections will determine if the request can be supplied without risk to the original, and without violating copyright or other agreements. Researchers are not permitted to use their own photographic equipment unless special permission is obtained in advance.