Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Required for this procedure:


For other problems with the files Proquest FTP's to us, ask Michelle to call Proquest technical support at 877-408-5027 or 800-889-3358 (or email at or
 ) to find a solution.

Adding Supplements to the metadata in Excel and Moving them to the PDF Directory


  • If there are existing licenses in your license folder, rename them using the naming convention author's last name, first initial, OPEN (e,g, JonesrOPEN,pdf), or author's last name first initial LIM (JonesrLIM.pdf) depending on if access is supposed to be open or limited, note any embargo period, and in the metadata file, move the file name from colomn A to the Open or Limited access column as appropriate, and add the license file name to column D.
  • Scan each license. 
  • Use the naming convention author's last name, first initial, OPEN (e,g, JonesrOPEN,pdf), or author's last name first initial LIM (JonesrLIM.pdf) depending on if access is supposed to be open or limited. If there is more than one person with the same last name and fist initial, include the numbers from the main pdf file in the license. 
  • Note any licenses which include embargo periods, including the authors last name and initial and the length of the embargo. and save to the pdf folder
  • In the metadata file, move the files from column A to the Open or Limited access column as appropriate.
  • Add the license file name to column D

Saving the Excel file as a .csv file:

  • Delete all of the rows where extra data was filled in.
  • Change the labels in row 1 as follows:
    • Column B: ffilename__permissions:-r'Anonymous'__primary:true
    • Column C: filename__permissions:-r'ScholarWorksUMBCIP'__primary:true
    • Column D : filename__bundle:LICENSE__permissions:-r'Anonymous'
  • Delete column A
  • Save your sheet2 (you must be on it) as a .csv file.
  • Be sure to close Excel or the next steps won't work.

Run the SAF builder:

  1. Put the .csv metadata file is in the same directory with all of the file to be loaded.
  2. Go the dos prompt: in the start menu, click "Run," then type cmd in the box, and click ok.
  3.  Change the directory to the safbuilder directory, by typing cd c:\safbuilder
  4. Run the safbuilder by typing" -c c:path to metadata file." For example, " -c c:\ETD\metadata.csv would run the safbuilder on the metadata.csv file and all of the files in the directory with it.
  5. The program will make a bunch of text appear in the DOS window. If it doesn't, the program didn't run. If it says ERROR in square brackets, the program didn't run. You probably made a typo when you typed the run command in. Try again, and be sure to type it all correctly.
  6. When it's run correctly, in DOS window, the last line should indicate that ETDtempDspace.csv has been used 0 times, and that should be the only line with a "File:" error See below:

    A SimpleArchiveFormat directory should appear in your folder that the files and the csv file are in.
  7. If there is more than the one "File" error, there is something wrong. See below:

    These errors happen when the files in the folder and filenames in the csv file don't match. Determine if there is a problem that needs to be corrected by comparing your .csv file to the contents of your directory. If necessary, make the corrections, then delete your SimpleArchiveFormat directory, and run the safbuilder again. If you can't fix the problems, or don't know what's causing them, ask Michelle for help. If she's not there, you can copy and paste all the errors to Word by pushing the PrtScn and Ctrl keys together to copy your screen to the clipboard, and paste your screen into Word--if there are many errors, scroll through them getting them all pasted into Word.
  8. If other errors occur, it's usually because of a typo in the command/path. Try to run it again.


Run the program to create the collection files:

  1. Move the entire SimpleArchiveFormat directory into your CollectionFilesProgram directory.
  2. Go the dos prompt: in the start menu, click "Run," then type cmd in the box, and click ok.
  3.  Change the directory to the CollectionFilesProgram directory by typing cd c:\ETD\CollectionFilesProgram.
  4. Run the program by typing
  5. Look at the log, saf_log.txt for any items skipped. If items have been skipped, they included an unknown program. Notify Michelle, and she'll manually create collection files for this set, and modify programming to include the unknown value in future sets.

Upload the files to DSS at CP:

  1. Zip the SAFbuilder directory that's in the Collection File Program
  2. Go to

    and upload the zipped SAFbuilder directory

  3. E-mail Michelle to have her submit a ticket for DSS to load the files. Let her know the the number of new submissions that you've sent, and she'll confirm that they've all loaded.
