- The unit head, Director and Business Manager create long and short versions of the job advertisement. A statement on inclusive excellence is now suggested for faculty searches.
- Director determines the composition and chair of the search committee in consultation with the unit head. The Unit Head, Director or Search Committee Chair asks members to serve. The Business Manager normally serves as an ex officio member of search committee without vote.
- Business Manager prepares paperwork and the Director reviews and sends it to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Human Resources for approval.
- Library Administration post ads, sends recruitment letters, and posts a Library web announcement, per Library Administration guidelines. Faculty ads should be sent to Susan Mocko, Executive Administrative Assistant in the Provost's Office (mocko@umbc.edu); she will post to HERC and higheredjobs.com, which populates the Faculty employment listing on the UMBC webpage. Typically the faculty librarian positions are posted to the ALAJobs board, but you can request it to be posted to more specialized boards if appropriate (for example, the Society of American Archivists).