Transfers Procedure
Rev. 7/30/09 by ASHM
This procedure is for processing items being transferred from one collection to another in Aleph. Most of the transfers are from Reference to Stacks or Folio*. For other types of transfers, the same procedure applies but the correct collection code and item status may be different from what's in this procedure.Note: if BC already has a same copy in Stacks/Folios write a note - "Transfer duplicates", .* Do not use this procedure for transfers into Special Collections. Use Special Collection procedures.
--Note: If BC already has the same item in the destination collection (collection being transferred to), write a note - “Transfer duplicates,” insert it in the book. Send duplicates to Collection Management Librarian for review.
Note: Please refer to "Procedure for Physical Processing of Transfers" for physical processing procedure.
--*Items measuring over
26 cm (either height or width) flagged for transfer to STACK collection are transferred to
due to size. There is no FOLIO in the Reference collection.
I. Open Aleph Cataloging Module.
- Check STACK HOL for the presence of 866 (summary holding). If yes, give the item with a printout of the bib. record to Database Management Librarian. If no, go to 2.
- Unlink Item from REF HOL
- Highlight "BC-BC STACK".
- Link to item.
- Make sure the call number matches what's on the book.
II. Item work
Collection codes are NOT changed in the item. They are changed automatically when the Holding record they are linked to is edited.
- Check for collection for transfer. There should be a note or flag.
- Wand in the barcode to open the item. Check both front and back covers for barcode. If there is no barcode, set aside.
- Match the title and the call number on the book with the record in Aleph.
- If there are multiple items, and you have all of them, proceed.
If you do not have all BC items attached to the bib record, send an email to person coordinating the transfer. Include system# of bib record, number identifying the missing items (e.g. volume number, etc.).
Set items aside until you have them all, or directions on how to proceed. If only some items are being transferred, an additional holding for the new location will need to be added. Seek assistance if needed.
Go back to beginning with a different item.
- Remove old barcode from book
Peeling off the top layer is fine. Do not damage the book.
Place new barcode on book—upper left of front cover
- Edit IP –
REF collection = 3
STACK collection = 1
FOLIO collection = 1
- Wand in the new barcode
- Cross out the spine label
- Remove the Yellow Dot on the spine or cover, if it has one (REF books have Yellow Dot).
- In the book on TP verso, write the new collection and call number, or edit as needed. (erase REF if coming out of Reference, write FOLIO if going into FOLIO, write only call number for STACK)
- If the book being transferred out of Reference to a circulating collection, cross out the REFERENCE BOOK DOES NOT CIRCULATE stamps on the first page of the book.
- Place a RELABEL slip in the book at the TP verso.
- Repeat above until all items on bib record are done, then go to Holding work
III. Holding work
- Click tab 6—HOL Links
- Click Edit button on right
- In HOL record edit 852 $c to match the destination collection
REF = Reference collection
STACK = Stacks collection
FOLIO = Folio collection in Stacks for books over 26 cm height or width
- Save to server.
IV. Place completed books on the daily truck for labeling.
IV. Taking statistics:
1) DBM statistics:
mark HOL edited for each HOL edited
mark ITEM edited for each ITEM edited
2) Collection statistics:
a) On ADDITIONS page
Write “tr” in Type column for Transfer
Record number of titles and volumes in columns for the collection being transferred into using the Non-Purchased columns
Non-Purchased General Coll for STACK or FOLIO
Write “tr” in Type column for Transfer
Record number of titles and volumes in columns for collection being transferred from
Note: the count for a and b should be the same. For multi-vols., count 1 title and
each item as a “volume.” For example, a 5-vol. set should be recorded as 1 title, 5 volumes.