Word document or Notepad for recording Aleph bibliographic system numbers and notes of records worked on. If you are deleting the last BC Holding on a bibliographic record, you will also record the OCLC number for the OCLC number of bibliographic record for OCLC holdings deletionHoldings Batch Deletion–when no BC Holdings remain on a record. These will go to Vicki after you are done for the dayOCLC holdings will be deleted at the end of the day.
Google Sheets–Serials Cataloging Requests (Responses), tab Working Form Responses. Filter column "Type of Request" to include only the 2 values for Holding Deletions. Sort the owner column alphabetically.
You will work on the records that contain your name in the Current Owner column.
Use the BIB number in the Serials Cataloging Requests sheet to retrieve the bibliographic record in Aleph. This is the Aleph system number of the record with the holding record attached.
If it includes a note about a Standing Order, record the system number of the bibliographic record in the document to go to Vicki, note "Standing Order in Holding record," and go "Standing Order" at the beginning of the Notes field, date and initial. Set the Current Owner to "Vicki Sipe." Go on to the next request. Take no further action here.
If there is no note about Standing Order, delete the Holding record.
If other BC Holdings records remain attached to the bib record
Mark DBM Statistics sheet for 1 HOL deletion.
Fill out the Notes field: HOL deleted, date, initial
Change Current Owner to "Completed Records."
If no BC Holdings records remain, but other institutions have Holdings records attached to the bib record
Mark DBM Statistics sheet for 1 HOL deletion.
Record OCLC # of bib record for OCLC Holdings Batch Deletion at end of day.
Fill out Notes field: HOL deleted, OCLC HOL deleted, date, initial.
Change Current Owner to "Completed Records."
If there are NO Holdings records remaining
Mark DBM Statistics sheet for 1 HOL deletion
Record OCLC # of bib record for OCLC Holdings Batch Deletion at end of day.
Fill out Notes field: Needs suppression. HOL deleted, OCLC HOL deleted, date, initial.
Change Current Owner to "Vicki Sipe."
At end of day, do batch deletion of OCLC Holdings using the Notepad file.
Send email to Vicki with Notepad file attached. Subject "OCLC Holdings Deleted." Brief note Batch deleted.
Mark the Collection Building Statistics sheet for Serials Weeds. In Titles column, mark the number of OCLC Holdings deletions done in batch deletion.