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“Transaction (TN) is not available for Check Out. (Current status: checked out to customer.)

Library Use Only


 Some materials are marked for Library Use only. These cannot be removed from the library. The material will have an ILL bookstrap and a separate slip that needs to be initialed each time the patron uses the book.

  1. Material will be kept on a separate shelf labeled “Library Use Only.”
  2. Do Not check the material out to patron through ILliad Web Circulation.
  3. Do Not desensitize material since it needs to stay in the building.
  4. Ask patron to read information on top of bookstrap.
  5. Ask patron to sign slip that is in the book and place slip in “Library Use Only” box.
  6. When book is returned, place slip back in the book.
  7. Return book to “Library Use Only” shelf.


  1. Click on Illiad Web Circulation on the bottom bar of the monitor.
  2. Click on the Check In box under Quick Tasks.
  3. Scan the barcode or type in the TN (transaction number) located on the ILL book band.
  4. WebCirc will show a message that the book is now checked back in.
  5. Place the item in the ILL Return box.
