Go to the Item view. In the top pane, click New if no UMBC item shows up. In Tab 1. of the bottom pane, set the following values:
Sublibrary: BC-BC
Collection: MSTCK
Material Type: ACD
Item Status: 07
Barcode: [scan in]
Scanning in the barcode will automatically save the item record. Otherwise, you will neet to hit Update.
- For single disc jewel cases, place the barcode on the jewel case, under the disc.
- For multi-disc jewel cases, place the barcode under the last disc.
- For boxed sets with multiple jewel cases, barcode each jewel case separately; give each disc a v. or disc number, depending on the terminology used on the piece.
- If there is one booklet for the whole set, barcode it separately, on the upper left front corner. Remember that the material type should be BOOK.
- For a single jewel case in a slip case with a booklet, barcode the jewel case only.
- For boxed sets that have the discs in sleeves rather than jewel cases, barcode the box.
- Include an OPAC note: "Check for # CDs"
HOL Links
In tab 6 of the bottom pane, Create New holdings record if none exists. Then click edit.