- Physical Location of Photos
- Check in PastPerfect (NOT PP Online) and look at the Home Location Field at the top of the record
- Most photos are in Room 104
- PHOT location: For photos by photographer (with a Collection designation of “Photographers: Last Name, First Name,” start at the beginning of the wire shelving in 104 and they should be in alphabetical order by last name.
- If the Home Location has a Range and Shelf designation, use that to find the box. Ex: AOK:PHOT:R2S1
- Miscellaneous is at the end of the individual photographers’ boxes
- Processes and Albums are next
- Ex: Looking for the Cyanotypes box? Check there
- Looking for a travel album? Check there
- COLL location: After the Processes, in alphabetical order
- Again, if the Home Location has a Range and Shelf designation, use that to find the box. Ex: AOK:COLL:R7S2
- VLT location: in the Vault. You will need a key from the supervisor to enter.
- Notable Exceptions:
- Baltimore Sun photos are in 038
- Baltimore Sun negatives are in 150C (APC room)
- Hughes glass negatives are in file cabinets in Room 103
- Underwood & Underwood are in file cabinets in Room 103
- Bullock negatives are in file cabinets in Room 103
- Lewis Hine Collection is in vault
- Certain collections are shelved in ABC order along with individual photographers:
- Survey portfolio
- Words & Images portfolio
- Others are too, per Tom’s request. Check the Home Location in PastPerfect, it will tell you exactly where to go
- Audrey Lathrop Collection is in cold storage (now on shelves outside of cold storage until it is fixed).
- BTW, the location designation for cold storage is “CS”
- Books can be found in the regular Library catalog
- If you’re looking for books that are ONLY in UMBC’s Special Collections, use the UMBC Only Search: http://catalog.umd.edu/F/P25CLG3INM3VEQ2LI4SURT37FLIGYJV433NUSYGRJ31QK8QCVD-19069?func=file&file_name=find-c&local_base=bc&pds_handle=GUEST
- Put in your search terms
- E.g. Title, Author, Subject, etc.
- Put in your search terms
- You can further refine by
- Location = Special Collections
- Format = choose from the drop down menu, e.g. Archives & Manuscripts OR Journals/Newspapers/Magazines, etc. or any of the other options
- Named Collection = choose from the drop down menu
- Physical Location of Books
- By Collection Name (The end of the ranges should have correct Collection Names so that you know where to find books)
- First in Room 104 on the left hand side is Bafford (Photography books)
- Then Arnold (sometimes called Howard. It is Maryland history)
- Then Needle (Utopian thought, Socialism, Radical Thought)
- Then Rosenfeld (Science Fiction)
- Across the aisle from the last row of Rosenfeld = Book Arts (note that these have SC General call numbers. If you inadvertently go to the SC General stacks to look for them, a flag should notify you to go back to the Book Arts section)
- Next is Faculty/Staff publications
- Then SC General
- Mixed in with SC General along the wall close to the photos is Merkle (Graphic Satire)
- By Collection Name (The end of the ranges should have correct Collection Names so that you know where to find books)