This information is found in 028 and 500 fields. The music number on the item MUST match one music number on the record. If there are multiple numbers on the record or the item, there only needs to be one match. However, be careful with set numbers. Check the rest of the record to make sure it is for the single item and not for the entire set.
Holdings and Items
Add XPT $a Y $b MUB to record.
Sublibrary: BC-BC
Collection: MSTCK
Material Type: ACD
Item Status: 07
Barcode: [scan in]
- For single disc jewel cases, place the barcode on the jewel case, under the disc.
- For multi-disc jewel cases, place the barcode under the last disc.
- For boxed sets with multiple jewel cases, barcode each jewel case separately; give each disc a v. or disc number, depending on the terminology used on the piece.
- If there is one booklet for the whole set, barcode it separately, on the lower left corner. Remember that the material type should be BOOK.
- For a single jewel case in a slip case with a booklet, barcode the jewel case only.
- For boxed sets that have the discs in sleeves rather than jewel cases, barcode the box.
HOL Links
- Add OWN $a BCHOL
- 852 8_ $b BC-BC $c MSTCK $h UMCD#####
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