1) JPEG 2000--Convert preservation scans from TIFF to JPEG 2000. Estimate this would reduce storage space required to 1/3 of that required to store TIFF. Lindsey will research this option.
2) MetaArchive--Distributed storage cooperative. Vicki will research. Will also contact Kelly about a LOCKSS machine that we have, but have never turned on (?).
3) Duracloud--Cloud based storage. Heather will research.
4) Florida Digital Archive (FDA)--Dark Archive. Susan will research.
5) Chronopolis--Distributed storage cooperative. Tom will research.
6) OCLC--Offsite vendor. Susan will research.
7) Tiered approach--Not storing preservation copies of everything that is scanned. No research necessary for this option. If adopted would require discussion on selection criteria.
8) UMBC Data Storage Center--UMBC has built a data storage center. Stephen will discuss with Jack Suess.
- Special Collections--Susan:Finished 3 monos, rescanned Civil War and added some, started scanning Parthenon collection, getting new scanner (in addition to current one). Lindsey-Retriever up thru 1982, Eisenbud from Exhibit have been added (need metadata), University Archices added about 400 prints from 1970s (from Student Life).
- Hughes-Vicki: of around 2600 total, just over 1000 are completed. Mappable field added to allow identification of building exterior images where we have location. There are 180 that are currently mappable. These could readily become part of a mapping project-historic images of Baltimore buildings.
- CONTENTdm--Susan: Must wait for CONTENTdm 6.1 to support PHP 5 (Campus server). This was due in June, not yet available.