3. Send email to Library Staff through Kuhn list (Kuhn-Staff <kuhn-staff@listproc.umbc.edu>) notifying them of the dates.
4. Send email to Tom Beck regarding review of books for sale.
5. Ask Reference staff (Janet Hack) to place the notice on Library's web page as soon as you have a date.
56. Create a flyer for the book sale and post it on CMILL's door as well as front doors to library about 1 month in advance.
67. Mail a copy of flyer to each department on campus. (Fold flyer in half and address to department)
78. Remind Collection Management Librarian to send out notice about Faculty Preview.
89. Three weeks prior to the books sale; email Insights as well as the Retriever regarding book sale notice.
910. Email Katy Sullivan and ask her to have the Leisure literature removed from the shelves in the Rotunda for the book sale. Give her date by which shelves need to be emptied and a date by which all books, including free books will be removed.
11. Two weeks prior to the book sale email Tom Beck to please remove the glass exhibit cases out of the Rotunda by dates you need.
10. Email Robin Moskal regarding cash to be used for change during the book sale.