Industrial photography
Note: Depicts industrial activity and products. Focus is not on the individual worker but on plant, buildings, and the workforce as a group.
Landscapes [not AAT term]
Note: Creative works that depict outdoor scenes where the picture is dominated by the configuration, visual and aesthetic, of the land, bodies of water, and natural elements.
Medical photography [not AAT term]
Note: Photographs made to document medical conditions, procedures, and equipment. Subjects might include clinical photographs, surgical procedures, surgical specimens, autopsy and forensic material, tissue slides, bacterial specimens, laboratory preparations, graphic and fine art renditions, medical equipment, and public relations features, as well as illustrations for publications and presentations.
Military photography
Note: Use with regard to military applications of photography, such as for mapping or training. For photography in war for the purposes of historical documentation, use "war photography."
Nature photography
Note: taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures.
Note: The practice of using photographs as a journalistic device; especially serial photographic documentation of significant events intended for publication in magazines and newspapers. Use for News Photography.
Note: Representations of real individuals that are intended to capture a known or supposed likeness.
Psychic photography
Note: The techniques or the activity of making psychic photographs.
Scientific photography
Note: The activity of producing photographs that document or illustrate scientific phenomena.
Note: Photographs made with simple cameras without artistic pretensions or commercial considerations; beginning especially in 1888 with the appearance of the first roll film box camera. Snapshots thus are often recognizable in that they were processed not by the photographer but by a commercial concern.
Space photography
*Note: Refers to the activity of taking of photographs from beyond the Earth's atmosphere. For photography specifically of celestial bodies or astronomical phenomena, use "astronomical photography." For photography of the Earth from aircraft within the Earth's atmosphere, use "aerial photography."
Spirit photography
Note: The techniques or the activity of making spirit photographs
Travel photography
Note: An image that expresses the feeling of a time and place, portrays a land, its people, or a culture in its natural state, and has no geographical limitations.
Note: The art and process of making video recordings using a video camera. Light reflected from the subject is focused onto a camera tube or sensor whence it is converted into an electronic signal and recorded on magnetic tape or laser-beam disk.
War photography
Note: Use with regard to photography in war for the purposes of historical documentation. For military applications of photography, such as for mapping or training, use "military photography." Oct 28, 2010 Advertising photography added, VS
Feb 2, 2010 Abstract photography added, VS; June 15, 2009 Vicki Sipe